I know that I haven't posted much, and I apologize! Today is going to be a quick one.
Since it's π day, lets talk π!! I don't wanna talk about Apple, Pumpkin, Cherry, or Key Lime.. I wanna talk Raspberry Pi. :-)
Today the OSMC crew released their Release Candidate. They have optimized the Raspberry Pi 2 build and it should really shine.
I haven't had a chance to test it out yet, but I plan to install it on both a Pi and Pi 2 this weekend. I still have to work out a clean way to attach the IR sensor for IR remote support. My current Pi that was running RaspBMC and now Alpha OSMC is using an old CDROM audio cable to connect the IR receiver to the GPIO ports as the connectors were just the right size.
I'll followup once I have a good reproducible setup for the IR receiver as I have 2 of both the Pi and Pi 2 that will need a good solution. I plan to use the Pi and Pi 2's as media receivers for a couple rooms in the house to stream movies from my QNAP.
As always, comments welcome. :-)